With the world still recovering and reorganizing from COVID-19 and How the Global Pandemic has reshaped supply chains, infrastructure, and the way that business is processed, 2021 is anticipated to be a year to make big gains for companies that embrace and implement strategic Digital First Strategies.
Whether Mobile First, Tablet First or Laptop First strategies are at the forefront of your organization, data will continue to reign supreme as 5G continues its global roll-out.
What strategies can you take to ensure that your enterprise is ready to capture your market share and successfully be a player in the #DataRevolution of 2021?
Here are 10 initiatives to get you started in the New Year.
1. Build a Global Versioned Data Lake
The success of large-scale Enterprise data systems requires versioning and control of data systems. Whether planning on user, role and group control; or specific updates that don’t overwrite and you can ensure the integrity of your system, it is important to design your data architecture where you know your reads and writes are successful, as you scale from User 1 to User 1 Billion. At SingleStore, we provide one platform for all your #dataworkloads. When it comes to operationalizing real-time workloads from your cloud data lake, our technology enables data lake acceleration and modernization.
2. Place Security Top of Mind
From Solar Windows and Microsoft Cloud, to other top Security hacks of 2020, it’s already a known secret that if there is a compromise, it will be exploited. And with Personally identifiable information (PII), the rise of global data protection standards such as GDPR and CCPA, and the need for compliance with SOC2 and ISO27001, data security is an essential part for scaling Enterprise Data Strategy in 2021.
When you choose a system that can be the one to help you scale at speed, you want to ask questions to your preferred technology partners and vendors such as: What security compliance standards do you meet today? What certifications are you testing against? What in-house security team do you have? How do you measure security standards at your organization?
At SingleStore¹, from SingleStore Managed Service through SingleStore DB, our data products are built from the ground-up with Enterprise-grade security standards to ensure your data is safe and secure both at rest and in-transit. If you’re building a cybersecurity application, you’ll find that the speed, scale, and SQL advantages that SingleStore brings provides better threat prevention, as Nucleus Security has found.
3. Develop for Scale in Mind
As our society continues to start as Digital First, the amount of data being processed continues to grow exponentially, and this can slow down systems with uneven and legacy architecture. Developers could consider building architecture that plans for Scale First with container orchestration systems such as #Kubernetes.
By reducing the overhead for administration and management of scaled data systems, your team can quickly respond to incidents, spike in usage, and build robust data systems that are designed with Scale in Mind. At SingleStore, our systems include native support for Kubernetes operators, and are designed with functionality for unlimited horizontal scaling through both User Interfaces and the Command Line.
4. Adapt for Multi-Cloud
Our customers are distributed and so are employees in 2021, leading to the need for a Multi-cloud strategy. Systems that once thought only about being on-premise for security, can now be adapted to the Multi-Cloud. From systems such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure, to Open Shift, Digital Ocean, Alibaba Cloud, and Huawei Cloud, SingleStore runs in any cloud environment so that your applications never experience downtime.
5. Design for Performance
When you think of choosing a database for a new application, often the first ones that come to mind are freely-available open source databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL. But once your application takes off and your tables approach as little as 10,000 rows, you start to see performance bottlenecks in your app.
Putting band-aids on these databases or finding hosted services for them don’t adequately solve the issue because they weren’t built as cloud-native, distributed SQL databases, which modern applications need. The good news is that it’s straight-forward to modernize by moving to SingleStore with its MySQL wire protocol compliance.
Whether for mobile applications, native web-based applications, or Cloud Native and serverless applications, performance can mean the difference between a downtime during a critical event, or being always up and always ready for your customers who depend on you during essential events.
6. Upgrade Technology Frequently
As developers, one of the biggest challenges is determining how and when to process updates, whether they should be nightly builds, weekly updates, rolling updates, or long term stable solutions. Our team at SingleStore has made this easy for your developers by offering patches (weekly builds), maintenance updates (monthly with incremental updates) and updated releases (quarterly to bi-annually with significant product updates). With SingleStore, you are in control for which features you would like released to your developers to supercharge your developer ecosystem.
7. Tune and Optimize for Incredible Performance
Long running queries, pipelines, and batch processes that have not been changed for months or years can use a face lift. The performance increase can often be hours on a single query, being a game changer for your entire workflow. SingleStore regularly offers new tuning that includes optimizations to both the core engine technology and to advanced #SQL techniques to optimize your queries further.
8. Renew your Training and Education Efforts
Learning for all is more important than learning for one. At SingleStore, education is a fundamental part of developer velocity and developer experience. From Enterprise training for DBAs and Developers, to public training for #developers looking to integrate with the SingleStore Managed Service for their applications, or students ready to pick up state-of-the-art technology for their resume and next career moves, training and certification can give your team the confidence they need to implement technology, and to hire new resources who are ready from Day 1 on the market.
9. Open Source Software for Community Initiatives
Data strategy often starts in the Open Source world, and SingleStore is an advocate for change at the earliest of levels. Research institutions, non-profits, and Universities can partner with SingleStore for an OpenSource license to build for good, and to give back with novel technology ideas.
10. Open Access for All Developers
SingleStore is built with SQL first, and supports common programming languages such as JSON, and its extensions into Scala, Python, R and other programming frameworks for software engineers, data scientists, machine learning engineers, and data analysts.
SingleStore is the next generation platform for database administrators, software engineers, data scientists, data analysts, and #machinelearning engineers to build Enterprise-grade applications at scale. Deploy for free at SingleStore.com/try-free or learn more and Book a Demo today.